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Friday, July 23, 2010

Found Solutions for Different Windows Problems

Unable to register jscript.dll, getting the following error: DllRegisterServer in jscript.dll failed.Return code was: 0x80004005.

For the above error message, we need to follow troubleshooting steps depending upon the operating system. For windows vista, we need to register the dll file in command prompt with administrator rights for which we need to follow the below steps:
1. Click Start. 2. Type in cmd. 3. Don't press enter. 4. On the top, right click cmd and click run as administrator. 5. Type in
regsvr32 jscript.dll and press enter. Now it should say DllRegisterServer in jscript.dll succeeded.

If the above error message is in windows xp pro,
1. Click Start. 2. Click Run. 3. Type in
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose and press enter.

If it is windows xp home, run microsoft fixit at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/313222.

Please let us know whether the above steps helped or not. Even if you have any further suggestions or questions, please use Comment/Ask a question down at the bottom of the page.

Unable to install internet explorer 8, getting the following errors
Setup exit code: 0x13371337 (Undefined Error Code) or Installer Process exit code: 0x00000017.

For the above error messages, run a microsoft fixit at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/949220 and try to reinstall internet explorer 8. If the fixit tool does not help, we need to install internet explorer 8 in safe mode with networking with administrator login by following the below steps:
1. Restart the computer. 2. As soon as it restarts, tap F8 key on the keyboard. 3. Choose Safe mode with networking and press enter. 4. If it asks to choose your operating system, choose whatever operating system you are using such as windows xp. 5. If you are using windows xp, choose your user name Administrator. 6. If you are using windows vista, log in with your regular user account but make sure you are an administrator. 7. Now, try to reinstall internet explorer 8.

Please let us know whether the above steps helped or not. Even if you have any further suggestions or questions, please use Comment/Ask a question down at the bottom of the page.

Unable to download java, giving "Internet explorer cannot display the webpage" error, also when you try to update java from control panel, it says "Java update cannot proceed with the current internet connection settings of your system. Please check your Control Panel -> Internet Options, and make sure the settings and proxy information are correct...".

For the above error, first make sure no proxy server is configured by following the below steps:
1. Click Start. 2. Click Cotrol Panel. 3. Click Internet Options. 4. Click Connections. 5. Click LAN settings. 6. Make sure Use a proxy server for LAN....is unchecked.

If no proxy server is configured for you, the problem seems to be related to your ISP, so try using global dns servers by following the below steps:
1. Click Start. 2. Click Control Panel. 3. Click Network Connections. 4. Right click Local area connection or Wireless connection whichever saying connected and being used by you. 5. Click Properties. 6. Highlight Internet Protocol TCP/IP or Internet Protocol TCP/IP Version 4. 7. Click Properties. 8. Select Use the following DNS server address. 9. Put next to Preferred DNS server and next to Alternate DNS server. 10. Click OK. 11. Again, click OK.

Please let us know whether the above steps helped or not. Even if you have any further suggesions or questions, please use Comment/Ask a question down at the bottom of the page.

Unable to uninstall internet explorer 8, getting "cannot find the file" errors or other errors.

If you are getting different errors while uninstalling internet explorer 8, use internet explorer 8 removal tool from the link below. Even if it says, internet explorer 8 beta removal tool, it works fine for all versions.

http://cid-2347850efe92080a.skydrive.li ... 20V1.1.exe

Please let us know whether the above steps helped or not. Even if you have any further suggesions or questions, please use Comment/Ask a question down at the bottom of the page.

An error after opening internet explorer 8: "A program on your computer has corrupted IE8 default search provider settings. IE8 will reset the search provider setting to default setting of xxx search. IE8 will open the search provider dialog where you can change your search provider".

For the above error follow the below steps:
1. Click Start. 2. Click Run. 3. Type in regedit and press enter. 4. In the registry editor, expand and navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders. 5. Right click User Shell Folders. 6. Select New and then Expandable String value. 7. A new value is added in right pane. 8. Type in AppData and press enter. 9. Double click AppData. 10. Under value data type in

%USERPROFILE%\Application Data. 11. Note: If there is already AppData in the right pane, double click and correct it to %USERPROFILE%\Application Data

If the above steps do not work,
1. Click Start. 2. Click Control Panel. 3. Click User Accounts. 4. Click Create a new user account. 5. Choose appropirate name for the new user account. 5. Choose Administrator or Limited or Standard user. It's upto you. 6. Click Create. 7. Click Start, Log out from the current user account and log back in with the new one. 8. If the new user account is working for you, obviously, the old user account has got corrupted and you will have to use the new user account. Also, FYI: you can transfer old user settings and files to the new user account.

Please let us know whether the above steps helped or not. Even if you have any further suggesions or questions, please use Comment/Ask a question down at the bottom of the page.

Error 126: The specified module could not be found while trying to start remote access connection manager service.

1. Click Start-Run-C:\windows\system32 and press Enter.
2. Make sure rasman.dll, rasmans.dll, rasppp.dll, raschap.dll, and rastls.dll are present.
3. If any file is missing, insert the operating system cd in and copy the file by clicking Start-Run-cmd(in vista and windows 7, right click cmd and click Run as administrator).
4. Type in expand e:\i386\xxx.dl_ c:\windows\system32\xxx.dll and prese enter (wherein e: is the cd drive letter and xxx is the missing dll file).
5. If all the files are intact, click Start-run-regedit and press enter.
6. Go to HKLM/SYTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/RasMan/PPP/EAP and delete entries other than 13,25, and 26.
7. If your problem is related to an AT&T wireless card, most probably, you will find 21 and 43 which need to be deleted.
8. Reboot the computer and the service should be started now.

Please let us know whether the above steps helped or not. Even if you have any further suggestions or questions, please use Comment/Ask a question down at the bottom of the page.

Error 1747 authentication service is unknown while trying to start WLAN auto config (wireless) service.

For the above error, simply reset winsock by
1. Start-Run-cmd (if it is windows vista or 7, right click cmd and click run as administrator).
2. Type netsh winsock reset, press enter, and restart the computer.


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